Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Christmas traditions

Christmas time is a big deal in my family, we are very traditional and love having huge family gatherings to celebrate the christmas cheer.  Each Christmas eve my brother and I get to open one gift from my mother and father, Obviously the rest from Santa are left for the morning for all of us enjoy and open. Christmas time is definatley one of my favourite holidays and No not just for the gifts but for everyone getting together to celebrate such a wonderful, cheerfull time as one. (:

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Comic book

This is the comic I have chosen to film;

                                                      Here is my movie I have created

Digital Media Pass

Acss Digital Media Pass 2014/2015

Media Safety

          Just a little while ago we had a assembly on the social media safety. The " White Hatter " had came to my school to  present how dangerous social media actually is and how easy student can become predators. I thought the assembly was very interesting and showed a lot of the younger students just how easy it is for people to hack into your facebooks, twitters, tumblrs.. etc. How people can steal your identity, make you do things without your consent, forcing you to do innapropriate things that you would never think that would happen to YOU. I believe his presentation was a eye-openor to many. I really did enjoy this assembly and encourage many to go tot his facebook page.
                                                  The White Hatter

Lest We forget

Also known as poppy day a memorial day observed in Commonwealth Of nations member states since the end of the First World War. To remember the members who died on duty.

Rememberance day is a very important day, one of the most signifigant days we celebrate. November 11th and on the 11th hour, the first world war had ended.

Part B;
Thomas Vincent Young - Name
November 30th/1979 - Birth
November 10th/2014 - Deceased

Dieing of the young age of 34, only passing a day just before Veterans day.Young’s time in the Army was short lived. Just five days after being deployed, he was paralyzed. It was April of 2004, Young was just 24 years old and riding in an unarmored Humvee. A sniper’s bullet rang out, severing his spine, and leaving Young instantly paralyzed him from the chest down.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Whats a Storyboard?

storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the A storyboard is made up of a number of squares with illustrations or pictures representing each shot. Each picture with notes about what’s going on and being said in the scene  and script during that shot. Why do people use a storyboard? its the greatest ways to show your motion picture and is very effective.

                                          This is a Storyboard for a film.

Another type of Storyboard for a commercial.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Whats happening at ACSS?

During B block which my digital media block I went to  various amount of classrooms and got some footage of whats going on around OUR school.

Here we have Danny working on his truck in Auto class & also a short clip.

Here are some middle school students working in Madakoros sewing class.

Ashley Major working hard on her clay piece in Art Class.

The cooking class working on worksheets for their assignment.
                                             Josh, Liam, Travis, Ali and Braxton & Hunter.

The  11&12's drama class making mask's!